PROPOSED CRITERIA AND INDICATORS AT REGIONAL SCALE. (i.e. for the group of countries of Sub-Saharan dry-zone Africa) ? Criterion 1: Maintenance and improvement of FOREST RESOURCES , including their contribution to global carbon cycles. 1) Total areas of forests. plantations and other wooded lands (and their changes over time)". 2) Biomass (and its changes over time). ? Criterion 2: Conservation and enhancement of BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY in forest ecosystems. Ecosystem Indicators: 1) Areas by types of vegetation (natural and man-made). 2) Extent of protected areas. 3) Fragmentation of forests. 4) Area cleared annually of forest ecosystems containing endemic species.
Species Indicators: 5) Number of forest dependent species (and its changes over time). 6) Number of forest dependent species at risk. 7) Resources exploitation systems? used. ? Genetic Indicators (fauna. flora): 8) Average number of provenances (and its change over time). 9) Number of forest dependent species with reduced range. 10) Population levels of key species across their range. 11) Management of genetic resources. ? Criterion 3 : Maintenance of forest ecosystem HEALTH VITALITY AND INTEGRITY. ? 1) Areas and percentages of forest (natural and man-made) modified . with the indication of the severity of damage. by such processes and agents as : - fires (incl. frequency). - storms (incl. windthrow, flooded areas). - insects and diseases. - damage by wild animals. - damage by domesticated animals. - competition from introduced plants. - drought. - damage by wind erosion. ? 2) Percentages of forest ecosystems with or without regeneration. 3) Changes in nutrient balance and soil acidity. 4) Bush encroachment. 5) Trends in crop yields. 6) Percentage of the population employed in crop and livestock farming. ? Criterion 4: Maintenance and enhancement of PRODUCTION FUNCTIONS of forests and other wooded lands.
1) ?Percentage of forests and other wooded lands managed according to a management plan. 2) Growing stock. 3) Annual balance between growth and removals of wood products (and its change over time). 4) Average annual consumption of wood for energy per capita. 5) Managed and sustainable extraction of non-wood forest products (and its changes over time) of: - fodder (grass layer and fodder from trees/shrubs). - consumptive wildlife utilization. - honey. - gum. - miscellaneous fruits, roots and edible leaves. - medicinal substances. - fibres for handy crafts and other uses. ? Criterion 5: Maintenance and improvement of PROTECTION FUNCTIONS in forest management. ? 1) Areas and percentages of forests and other wooded lands managed mainly for the protection and/or rehabilitation of agricultural or range lands. and/or rehabilitation of degraded lands and relevant important infrastructure works. 2) Areas and percentages of forests and other wooded areas managed mainly for the production of water, protection of watersheds . riverine zones and for flood control. 3) Areas of forests and other wooded lands managed for scenic and amenity purposes. ? Criterion 6: Maintenance and enhancement of SOCIO-ECONOMIC BENEFITS . ? Indicators of economic benefits: 1) value of wood products. 2) value of non-wood forest products. 3) ecotourism (including hunting and recreation). 4) share of forest sector in GNP. 5) value from primary and secondary industries. 6) value from biomass energy. 7) forest sector trade balance. 8) investment in forests and forest industries. Indicators of the distribution of benefits: 9) employment generation, notably in rural areas. 10) degree to which social. cultural and spiritual needs are met. 11) benefits accruing to local communities (with particular emphasis on women and youth) . 12) contributions to food security. ? Criterion 7: Adequacy of LEGAL INSTITUTIONAL AND POLICIES FRAMEWORKS for sustainable forest management. ? 1) Existence of a national forest policy including the integration of forest management in rural land-use planning and development. 2) Existence of a comprehensive legislative and regulatory framework providing for equitable access to resources, alternative forms of conflict resolution and consideration of land occupancy and cultural rights of local populations. 3) Institutional, human and financial capacity to implement the national forestry policy. and relevant national and international laws, instruments and regulations. 4) Research and development capacity. 5) Existence of incentives for investments in the forestry sector. 6) Valorization of local expertise, knowledge and technologies. 7) Existence of measures to facilitate the transfer and adaptation of appropriate technologies. 8) Existence of an administrative, policy and legal framework for the effective participation of local communities, NGOs and the private sector in forest policy formulation. implementation and monitoring. |